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Programme objectives:

  • Increase awareness of the bullying problem and knowledge about bullying in schools;


  • Achieve active involvement from teachers and parents, and demonstrate to the adult population of the school, effective ways to deal with bullying behaviour;


  • Assist the school to develop clear rules against bullying behaviour;


  • Provide support and protection for the victims of bullying as well as to provide support to the bully.

This process utilises a quantitative methodology (the use of numbers and statistical procedures) that can be applied to an accurate evidence-based evaluation.

Undertakings in this regard, entail the following:
1. Ethical approval: gaining permission and cooperation from the WCED (Directorate) for time to be spent at each school.
2. Ethical considerations, in terms of obtaining informed consents and assents from parents, guardians and learners to participate in the survey (this objective is waived in most cases).
3. Acquiring facts and opinions about the experiences of the learners who have knowledge of bullying behaviour in their schools. For this aspect of the work to succeed, it is essential to train administrators to conduct each assessment with utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.

4. Administering a one-hour MATTHEWS BULLY/ VICTIM assessment questionnaire that assesses eight domains of bullying behaviour.


These include in general:

• Learner’s school satisfaction;

• types of bullying behaviour;

• the characteristics of the bully(ies);

• locations of bullying incidents;

• disclosure of bullying;

• Peer Social Support in terms of Peer support, reaction and attitudes; * the extent of adult interventions and class teacher efforts in the event of a learner being bullied.


(Worth mentioning here, is that the results of analysis on the internal consistency of the questionnaire - ie, the test-retest reliability and validity on large representative samples - are generally quite good, with reliable and acceptable peer-ratings on the related dimensions).


5. Coding and inputting of the data into EXCEL spreadsheets and then importing it into an appropriate statistical software e.g. SPSS data package


6. Analysing the data by means of SPSS, according to the abovementioned themes/domains.


A descriptive statistics report is disseminated to the partners (e.g. WCED); the various school governing bodies and staff, as well as any potential Funders of this initiative.


This comprehensive report will also include aspects referred to in the following point:


Recommendations and guide implementation of the bullying prevention programme at the school site will aim to alleviate existing bullying behaviour according to the findings, as well as try to prevent further bullying at the school.

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